The Community Meditation Center is located on Manhattan’s vibrant Upper West Side
Please Note:
In consideration of the health and welfare of the entire community, CMC offers its
Sunday and Wednesday sessions via Zoom.
The CMC Faculty
Leslie Booker, Venerable Burin, Rachel Hammerman, Pilar Jennings,
Allan Lokos, Bart van Melik, Andrew Olendzki, Vera Ruangtragool, Sharon Salzberg
Learn more about the CMC Faculty here.
June + July 2023
The Eightfold Path to Freedom
The Buddha discovered an ancient path, followed it and came to direct knowledge of well-being. This whole life path with 8 steps is called The Eightfold Path. It’s a roadmap describing kind behavior, mind training and wisdom.
Every Sunday in June and July we’ll take one wise step together with teachers Oren Sofer, Matthew Brensilver, and Bart van Melik.
10:30 am – Noon Eastern
6:30 pm -7:30 pm Eastern

What To Expect
The Community Meditation Center is known for being a warm and welcoming place to practice meditation and study the teachings of the Buddha. The word “community” is in the name for a reason. CMC endeavors to eliminate divisive “us and them” mentality. Everyone is part of the community as soon as they walk in. There are no categories and no membership. All are welcome without regard for race, religion, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, economic or social status. Just bring an open heart, an open mind, and the courage to grow.
Typically, a CMC session begins with meditation for 20–30 minutes during which the teacher may offer guidance. In most instances, at least half the sitting time will then be in silence. These sessions are appropriate for both beginners and experienced meditators.
After the sitting there will be a short break with tea and chocolates available (Sundays). This will be followed by a dharma talk – a teaching based on a discourse of the Buddha – and then a time for questions.
On Sundays, a short introductory session is offered for first-timers before the main session.
There is plenty of room and lots of chairs for everyone, so no need for reservations. On Sundays there are a few zafus (meditation cushions) available. You are welcome to bring your own if you wish. Comfortable attire is recommended.
- CMC sessions start on time. You are encouraged to arrive early so as not to disturb others.
- To show respect for the teachings and the teacher, please plan to stay until the end of the session.
- Please silence cell phones before sessions.
- During Q and A periods, please do not comment on what others have said. CMC encourages the practices of skillful speech and skillful listening.
There are no fees charged for CMC sessions. The generosity of those who attend pays for all operating expenses and helps support the teachers. At each session there is an opportunity to practice dana (generosity) by making a contribution. CMC maintains a policy of turning no one away for lack of funds. Learn more about dana here.
621 Amsterdam Ave.
donates flowers for the Sunday sessions
574 Columbus Ave.
offers a Sunday brunch 10% discount to CMC attendees
“I will be forever grateful for the weekly dharma teachings. What a gift. Each teaching is so rich and I look forward to every one.”