Andrew Olendzki, PhD, is a Professor at Lesley University, and Director of their Mindfulness Studies program. He is a scholar of early Buddhist thought and practice with a special interest in Buddhist psychology and its relevance to the modern world. He was the original executive director of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA, and then was executive director and senior scholar at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. He has also held adjunct faculty positions at Amherst, Brandeis, Harvard, Lesley, and Smith, and was on the faculty at Wesleyan University and Hampshire College. Andrew was also a senior scholar at the Mind and Life Institute and has been a long-time board member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy. His books include Unlimiting Mind: The Radically Experiential Psychology of Buddhism, and Untangling Self: A Buddhist Investigation of Who We Really Are. He writes regularly for Tricycle magazine and is the founder of the Integrated Dharma Institute.